The very act of accepting the power of kindness is the hallmark of humanity. During the crisis, this ethos gets subdued. Our kaleidoscopic runway, which shapes our perspectives, ceilings,and quests is suddenly cornered.
In the COVID surreal reality, the roller coaster of our breath has come to a screeching halt. A blip and we became vulnerable, our rhythm and sanity dysfunctional. The tall order of our economy is in turmoil, our physical, mental and social health in crisis.
Solace stripped away, we feel utterly helpless and alone.
A poet and humanitarian in me firmly believes during any time being individually and collectively kind brings much-needed warmth and solace.
This time is no different, I implore everyone to devise an action where our kindness shines.
Our actions will nourish our spirits and bring along a healing envelop.
On the creative side, the pause is also an opportunity for us to poke into our deeper self, to discover beyond the narration of portfolios and vulnerabilities that somehow come to define us.
Take the courage from your resonating beat and let the heart sail high and mound the unimaginable,
The hum in us is strong, kindly, tune in.